Sustainability policy

Sustainability policy

Västerbottens Experience

Västerbotten Experience is a guarantee that a place or an experience conveys something unique Västerbotten that guests can not get anywhere else in the world!

We are a Västerbotten Experience. This means that you are offered the truly genuine experiences of Västerbotten's culture and nature when you visit us. It is a seal of quality that guarantees that an area in Västerbotten will give you all the above: accommodation, food and activities according to your wishes. As a Västerbotten Experience, we build our business on sustainability and are always characterized by Västerbotten's lifestyle and hospitality. Keep an eye out for the Västerbotten Experience brand when planning your trip.

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Sustainability and environmental policy

Our goals are

  • To manage our fishing traditions and conduct sustainable, small-scale and traditional fishing with the least possible impact on nature and the environment.
  • Sustainable product development, to work to dispose of all waste and develop new methods to refine reindeer and bycatch.
  • To use organic ingredients and to cooperate as much as possible with local suppliers and producers.
  • To manage and spread knowledge regarding recipes, traditional processing methods of local fish species, about fishing and stocks.
  • To encourage consumers to shop locally from local producers and to inspire increased consumption of wild-caught fish.
  • To contribute to economic development so that our local community can develop further with more entrepreneurs and get more visitors.
  • To develop collaborations with entrepreneurs and organizations in the locality so that together we can continue to manage our cultural heritage, our traditions, our nature and environment in the best possible way.


Our goal is for the business as a whole to take place in a responsible manner and in accordance with the principle of sustainable development. Sustainable development has three equivalent dimensions; an environmental, a social and an economic.

Commercial fishing today is very tightly regulated and monitored through various government permits, regulations, legislation, supervision and mandatory reporting. Based on this, we and our business meet all the criteria that are set up for our fishing to take place in accordance with the law. 
Our catches are not certified according to KRAV or MSC. Without being certified, our three leading concepts (as required by KRAV's certificates) are safe methods, sustainable stocks and traceability.

  • Safe methods means that the tools used sort out fish of the wrong size and so-called bycatch of species other than the target species. In this way, the catch that comes in accidentally is minimal as well as the damage to other fish species and other marine animals. The fishing methods also do not destroy bottoms as trawls can. Feedback
  • Sustainable stocks secured by fishing on stocks that are long-term sustainable and without exceeding their biological production capacity.
  • Traceability means that our boats can be positioned, which makes it possible to check that we only fish on approved and licensed stocks.